News :   26 / 10 / 14

The Millbridge Court Preview

So… the countdown was up and Tuesday was the long awaited Millbridge Court Preview.  We had 130 guests RSVP to come visit us in Frensham, Surrey (all of which arrived) so it was all hands on deck to make sure everything was looking spectacular, and with a mere few hours to go, we got there!! And that was all thanks to the incredibly talented suppliers that helped us put it all together. Because of this, I wanted to write about each and every one of them.

So where to begin with the lovely suppliers…

Well, it’ll have to be Anneli Marinovich, the extremely talented lady who photographed the Millbridge Court Preview so beautifully and captured everyone’s work so perfectly.

Having been obsessing over all of Anneli’s gorgeous blog posts over the Summer as she travelled around the UK and Europe capturing numerous fabulous Weddings, I could not have been more excited to show her the finished Millbridge Court and have her photographing our Preview. And I’m sure you will agree, the images are just stunning!  Thank you Anneli, for giving your time so generously.

So, the first photos I am going to add are some gorgeous exterior and interior shots of Millbridge Court in all it’s Preview glory.  

Millbridge Court - Exterior

Boutique Hotel Lounges…




Boutique Hotel Bar…


Boutique Hotel Private Dining Room…


Boutique Hotel Bedroom…


As some of you may have seen on our Instagram or facebook page, the flowers really were a pivotal part of the Millbridge Court preview and that was all created by the phenomenally talented Kate Avery Flowers.

Kate arrived on site on Monday morning bringing with her what seemed to be an entire flower market and a team of equally lovely florists who quickly got to work transforming Millbridge Court with rich, autumnal arrangements. With Kate being one of the very first people I put on my Millbridge Court Partners List, I know how beautiful her work is but I was absolutely stunned by just how breathtaking every single aspect of her work was, from the smaller moss vases placed around our boutique hotel, to the cascading flower wall in our Dining Hall, every little bit was exquisite.







The gentleman providing the ambiance for the whole evening was the brilliant Matt Maurice. One of the fantastic things about Matt and Lotte from Matt Maurice Event Music is that upon a site visit when Millbridge Court was still very much a building site and having had a brief chat with them about the Millbridge Court Preview, they totally got our vision. They also generously provided us with the festoon lighting that lit up the outside ceremony area so wonderfully and can also provide free standing spot lights, numerous different dance floors and decks to suit each different event. Hence why the set up Matt brought with him last Tuesday night fit in so fantastically with the relaxed atmosphere we wanted to create.



Adding the finishing touches to the evening reception room were the lovely ladies at Bubblegum Balloons. Following on from an exciting meeting a few weeks prior where we discussed which colours would work well, they arrived and set up in a flash. The cranberry, plumb and copper tassels couldn’t have been more perfect alongside Kate’s flowers… modelled beautifully by Kalm Kitchen’s Nina.


Completing the evening reception room was The Photo Emporium. Whenever I got the chance to glance over, it was always full with guests, and I must admit, once most of the guests had left I did get the chance to get a few photos with co-workers and family. Photo booths have been a staple at weddings for a few years now and it’s fair to say that they just never get boring. It’s guaranteed endless fun! The Photo Emporium set up is also really unique and they even offer the opportunity to upload photos directly on to your social media account.


Then we have the wonderful Dom and Ali from Prezola who kindly styled (to perfection) our Boutique Hotel Private Dining Room and our round table set up at the end of the Dining Hall. The Private Dining Room was set up for breakfast with beautiful Sophie Conran crockery, which complimented our décor perfectly. From the egg cups, to the butter dish… I wanted to keep it all!


The round table set up at the glass wall in our Dining Hall looked absolutely spectacular! Copper details were a theme that ran throughout the entire event so the elegant and intricately designed crockery and glassware put together by Prezola worked seamlessly alongside Kate’s autumnal floral arrangement.



Bringing sparkle to the Boutique Hotel lounge was the most spectacular ‘Love’ sign, generously given to us by Vowed and Amazed. It was the perfect statement piece and our book case looked like it was made for it.


We then had the gorgeous ladies from Amore Make-Up, Lyndsey and Sophie, taking charge of our Lips, Lashes & Tashes bar, providing each and every guest with the ability to look extra glam at the Millbridge Court Preview. It was such an easy decision to have them as a part of this special event, as not only are they extremely talented but they are also so kind and bring such a lovely energy to any event.



The ladies at work…



But their hard work started a lot earlier on in the day, as they did Make-Up and hair for the Kalm Kitchen waitresses and did so with such ease in a very short amount of time. And the main reason I can testify how fabulous they are is they also did my make-up as well!  I loved it so much that I didn’t want to take it off at the end of the night.

On the topic of waitresses, a huge thank you goes to Twobird’s Bridesmaid’s for lending us seven of their gorgeous dresses for the Kalm Kitchen staff. It really added such an elegant touch to the proceedings and almost everyone I spoke to commented on how fabulous they looked.



Adding sophisticated touches throughout the Millbridge Court Preview was gorgeous calligraphy by Judy Broad. With so much yummy food and drink on offer, Judy’s handiwork was the perfect way to notify people of all of the delicious ingredients. And on top of this, Judy included signs for the Prezola table and our Lip’s, Lashes and Tashes bar. The Cox & Cox copper frames adding a wonderful finishing touch.



I would also like to thank Luella’s Boudoir for lending us some beautiful pieces for our Bridal Changing suite. The Rachel Simpson shoes on our pink velvet chairs were particularly lovely touch.


To call Kalm Kitchen a partner is an understatement, Kalm Kitchen are one half of Millbridge Court and to have had them involved from the very early stages of the build has just been so wonderful. I am so grateful for their support throughout the process and to finally be able to host an event together after all this time was such an incredible feeling… I think this is a perfect excuse to show you the photos of the team pre preview.

Jen and James Middlehurst…


The Chefs…


From deciding on the concept for the Preview, to creating a number of design element’s throughout such as the flower mirror and the cascading flower wall, Jen Middlehurst has been a pivotal part of the Millbridge Court Preview and for this deserves a humungous thank you.



On the day itself, the array of culinary delights that Kalm Kitchen provided was not only delicious but also inspiring. It’s obvious why a very common hashtag on their social media is #creativecatering that’s for sure. And I’m not just talking about their intricate canapés, served on antique picture frames and bird cages or the chocolate mousse eggs on the beautifully decorated Patisserie bar but also the live food station situated in the middle of the dining hall where chefs were preparing bowl food individually for each guest. On top of the bar were also a mixture of potted herbs, which were accompanied by a pair of scissors so guests could choose which one to cut off and add to their meal. Inspiring and certainly a big talking point throughout the evening.



On top of this, the service itself, headed up by Events Manager Lara Kellaway was seamless and utterly perfect. I could honestly write an essay about this lovely bunch, but I’ll let the photos speak for themselves.










Thank you lastly (but by no means least) to Jo from Something PR for helping us put the Millbridge Court Preview together and for all of your hard work… Team photo!


So… what an amazing evening and what a phenomenal effort from everyone involved. I am so excited for what the future holds at Millbridge Court and thank you to everyone who has been a part of it so far. X


(From the outside looking in… just as we imagined it.)

Photography: www.annelimarinovich.com

News :   13 / 10 / 14

This Week On The Millbridge Court Site… Part 7

So, its been a few weeks since my last blog post and as we are just 8 days away from opening our brand new doors to the press and public, here are a few gorgeous external shots of Millbridge Court taken by Steve Middlehurst, Kalm Kitchen’s resident photographer. Internally, there are so many amazing changes happening but I think I’ll leave the extremely talented photographer who is capturing our launch to do those touches justice.

Below is the view of Millbridge Court from the Arbour. As you can see, all of the turf is down so our lawns are now complete. The hedging surrounding the Ceremony area will be high and dense by next Summer making it entirely secluded for the ultimate, private outside Wedding Ceremony in the heart of the Surrey countryside.


And the countryside adjacent to Millbridge Court… well, its just stunning (see evidence below)


The tiles are now on the roof of the beautiful Arbour…


And the Boutique Hotel now has a gorgeous balcony for one of our seven bedrooms. Not only a lovely space to relax prior to and post Wedding celebrations but a wonderful vantage point for a photographer for that all important group photo.


And finally, here is a dramatic shot of our patio and grounds from the inside of Millbridge Court. As you can see, come rain or shine the bi-folding doors are such a wonderful asset; bringing the outside, inside.


I’m afraid until the preview, that’s all folks… It’s been a long 8 months of construction and we are now only 8 days away from the #millbridgecourtpreview. I cannot wait for everyone to see Millbridge Court come to life!

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